Acetal Formation (Forward and Reverse Directions)

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Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we go through Acetal Formation from a carbonyl, both the forward and reverse directions. Just like hydrate formation, trust me when I say knowing both directions like the back of your hand will pay dividends come test time.


  • Eli • 7 years ago
    At 8:55, why can't we just deprotinate the water group intramolecularly with the methoxy group? Kind of like a hydride shift in a way

    • Joe Del Nano • 7 years ago
      Hey Eli, You can absolutely do the intramolecular acid base reaction and have the oxygen in the methoxy deprotonate the oxygen in the water (on the structure): For the sake of the mechanism, i just wanted to be very clear and show all the steps but either works!
