Return of the Wittig Reaction--Forming E Double Bonds

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This study guide isn't available currently, but Joe is working on it!

Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we talk about the Wittig Reaction AGAIN. Luckily, based on what we learned in our introduction to the Wittig Rxn ( this is a just a bit of extra knowledge. Some, not all, teachers include this topic, so I wanted to make a video to ensure all you jOeCHEMists out there are armed and dangerous with Wittig knowledge.


  • Anjana Neela Mahesh • 1 year ago
    Hey, Joe! Isn't the ylide supposed to have double bonds in the conjugated system in the product as well? Or do those go away?