Alpha Carbon Synthesis Practice

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This study guide isn't available currently, but Joe is working on it!


****WARNING, there is a minor mistake I made that I will explain below**** In the first synthesis problem, I forgot to include the ethylene glycol (two carbon diol) that creates two acetals from two ketones. This is in the last step of the synthesis problem (first one while doing retrosynthetic analysis). for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link) In this video, we put many things together that we've learned regarding alpha carbon chemistry and tackle a three synthesis problems. We will also lean on concepts and reactions we've learned earlier in Ochem II and yes, also some Ochem I reactions as well.


  • Ian Livengood • 3 years ago
    Hey Joe! To obtain a 4C structure for problem 2 I utilized MVK and (CH3)2CuLi - is this a valid step to perform? I figured the softly nucleophilic cuprate would add in a 1,4 fashion to MVK to generate the ketone intermediate used in the aldol reaction. I know synthesis problems have many paths, just wanted to see if that step is valid. Thank you!