The Grignard Reaction--Introduction and Mechanism

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Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we take our first look at the Grignard reaction, the beginning of a reaction that is VERY important in Organic Chemistry. For more advanced practice such as synthesis problems (using the Grignard Rxn), check out


  • Joe Del Nano • 7 years ago
    Just remember all the steps, and you'll own synthesis in no time!

  • Rachel Frye • 5 years ago
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for making these videos. You know how to explain these difficult concepts in words we understand. I would not enjoy OChem as much as I do without these videos! You are awesome!

    • Joe Del Nano • 5 years ago
      Rachel, this means so, so much. I’m glad you find them helpful :) if you have any suggestions, please email me (find that on the about page) and make sure to tell any of your friends fighting the organic fight!
