E1--The Minor Product Following Solvolysis

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https://joechem.io/videos/50 for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we talk about E1, how its mechanism proceeds, ideal conditions for E1, and why it is called the "Minor Product." For extra info on E1 and why increased temperatures favor elimination products, checkout https://joechem.io/videos/111


  • Ryan Ferrante • 5 years ago
    Hey Joe! I noticed that during the video you used H2O for the E1 reaction to take the hydrogen off, but on the worksheet mechanism, you used Br- to take the hydrogen off to form the double bond. Can you explain why this is?

    • Joe Del Nano • 5 years ago
      Hey Ryan! So yes, I technically should've used H2O to do the taking off of the H at the end of the reaction. However, in solution there are lots, and lots of molecules that are floating around, so it is possible for a Br- to abstract the proton (but you're right: H2O is what I should've used). Thanks for using jOeCHEM by the way!

  • Cassie • 3 years ago
    In the last problem on the worksheet, can the double bond formation from the E1 rxn be placed on the other side of the methyl group in the ring structure?