Hofmann Eliminations (E2) with Quaternary Amines

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https://joechem.io/videos/196 for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link) In this video, we'll cover the Hofmann Elimination, the formation of the least substituted double bond (via E2), with an over alkylated amine as our leaving group. This is the same Hofmann Elimination that you may have been introduced to when you learned E2 for the first time, and in this video I explain why this reaction leads to the lesser substituted double bond. There is also another video with a specific, cyclic amine Hofmann Elimination example (made before this video), but this video is to be watched first. Hofmann Elimination with a Cyclic Amine - https://joechem.io/videos/91
