Organic Chemistry II, 4th Exam Live Review April 12th, 2020

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Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough(s):

The worksheet solutions walkthrough doesn't exist yet for this video's worksheet, but Joe is working on it!

Series Study Guide:

This study guide isn't available currently, but Joe is working on it!

Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link) This live review covers some final topics in Ochem II - carbohydrates - more advanced benzene chemistry (ipso substitutions, NAS, etc) - heterocycles: chemistry of heterocyclopentadienes and pyridine - Amino acids, peptide synthesis, basic protein concepts, and DNA/RNA Supporting videos: Hantzsch Pyridine Synthesis - Imine Formation - Directing Groups for EAS -
