Review of the Benzylic Position--SN1, SN2, Acid Base, and Radical Addition

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This study guide isn't available currently, but Joe is working on it!

Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we revisit an old friend--the benzylic position. We will recap the versatility of the position, explaining why it is prime to participate in SN1, SN2, Radical Addition, and Acid-Base reactions.


  • Jordan Head • 3 years ago
    Where is the worksheet for this video?

    • Joe Del Nano • 3 years ago
      Hi Jordan, unfortunately it doesn't exist yet :( I've had a pretty crazy start to this year interviewing and ultimately switching jobs (and getting ready to move). So I realistically won't have worksheet(s) that are currently missing available for this semester (I'm very sorry for the inconvenience).
