Reducing Nitriles--Another Way to Make Aldehydes & Amines

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Guided Worksheet(s) + Solutions:

The worksheet & solutions don't exist yet for this video, but Joe is working on it!

Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough(s):

The worksheet solutions walkthrough doesn't exist yet for this video's worksheet, but Joe is working on it!

Series Study Guide:

This study guide isn't available currently, but Joe is working on it!

Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we talk about Nitriles and what happens when we reduce them. We'll look at two reducing agents, DIBAL and LAH and how, when in the presence of a nitrile, yields two different functional groups.


  • Dawson • 3 years ago
    Thank you