Attacking Epoxides in Acidic and Basic Conditions (More Examples)

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Description for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we spend some more quality time with epoxides and look to how we attack them in acidic vs basic conditions while predicting the correct stereochemical outcome. For the first, introductory video/worksheet practice on epoxides, checkout


  • adi • 3 months ago
    for acidic draw the mechanism question i am confused because... 1) do we attack or protonate first? why for either one? 2) in a basic environment do we attack or protonate first? and why? 3) in the acidic environment question, i protonated using the H from ch3oh because i saw you do that in some examples. however, i saw that the answer key used the H from hclo4 instead. how and when do we decide whether to use the H from ch3oh or the other acid (like in h2so4 questions, you used ch3oh for protonation rather than the H from h2so4). im very confused. ur stuff is great ty so much!!