IUPAC/Systematic Naming

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https://joechem.io/videos/12 for video on jOeCHEM and attached worksheet + solution (below video on jOeCHEM aka the link). In this video, we'll get hands on with IUPAC Systematic Naming of organic structures. Although we have Common Naming down, and we can talk the talk a bit, we need to be savvy with how the IUPAC outlines naming for organic molecules (since you can't name EVERYTHING with common naming). Again, this is one of those slightly less exciting topics in Ochem, but get this process down and it's an easy chance for you to pick up points on an exam.


  • gouri vinod • 7 years ago
    hi joe, for the last problem for the one with the parentheses, why didn't you use dimethyl sec-butyl? thanks!

    • Joe Del Nano • 7 years ago
      So once you decide you're going to use parentheses, you need to find the longest parent chain. In this case, our longest parent chain is 4 carbons. Off of that 4 carbon chain, we have 2 methyl groups on the second carbon. We can only use sec-butyl/tert-butyl/isopropyl if that would be a whole branched substituent, like on position 11.
